Organisational Change Tools

Changing the culture within an organisation so that it effectively and reliably delivers sustainability outcomes involves team-building and collaboration; engaging and enquiring conversations; rigorous analysis of existing systems; capacity building at all levels; as well as new decision-making frameworks and operational action planning.

These tools are important in any size groups, but absolutely vital to large organisations where the positive influence of inspiring individuals is sometimes diluted through bureaucratic structure and processes.


Sustainability Health Check (shc)

This popular self-assessment tool for local government rigorously explores the current sustainability status of council’s organisational systems and progress towards sustainability outcomes.  The SHC process generates new ideas and clear directions for improvement.  Training workshops have been facilitated by SFA throughout NSW.   (© Local Government Managers Australia,  Sustainable Futures Australia & NSW Department of Environment and Conservation 2006)


Sustainability Framework for Organisations

This organisational framework provides a comprehensive structure for making decisions and carrying out actions for sustainability. The key components of governance, engagement, tools, resources and planning are integrated in the framework encouraging a systematic approach to applying sustainability principles and focusing on sustainability outcomes. (© Sustainable Futures Australia 2005)


The "s-Team"

Forming a sustainability team, or ‘S-Team’, in your council or organisation can make the difference between sustainability being ‘just an idea’ and it creating committed organisational involvement.  The ‘S-Team’ process and model of representation provides an effective focus for collaboration and achievement of sustainability goals.  (© Sustainable Futures Australia 2004)

Click on this button to find out about more of our organisational change tools, including "SARA" and the ESD Operational Systems Framework.