Understanding the New Paradigm

Changing our mindset, the way we perceive our world, is a powerful component of taking practical action. Engaging with - and deeply understanding - concepts such as "sustainability", "environmental worldviews", "ecopsychology", "complexity theory" and "resilience" are vital stepping stones.

As Einstein said, "no problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it"!


Breakthrough to Sustainability!

This transformative education program is suitable for community groups, businesses, and high school and university students. It introduces core aspects of sustainability through enjoyable group processes encouraging reflection, critical analysis, connection with nature and creativity. It includes training in facilitation and implementation of The Planning Web. (© Sustainable Futures Australia 1998)



the joyality program

This ecopsychology program teaches concepts, tools and practises that are fundamentally important for both personal and planetary well-being. We utilise an extensive toolkit for empowerment, connection and conscious action to design workshops, experiences and programs tailored for your particular community or professional context.  (© Eshana Bragg & Rachel Taylor 2015)



the philosophy of Life Game

Understanding the diversity of environmental value-systems is vital for all environmental managers, decision-makers and anyone wishing to work collaboratively for sustainability.  Participants in this day-long educational process learn about a wide range of worldviews through a series of lecturettes, games and by enacting them through roleplay. (© Eshana Bragg 2000)


These programs are offered separately, but also form part of the School for International Training's university level semester called Sustainability & Environmental Action.

Sustainable Futures also offers training in the sustainability services, tools and processes that we have developed over the past 30 years! Please contact us to find out more.